Create A Membership Site
What is a Membership Site? A membership site is a private website, with exclusive content available only to the signed up members. It usually provides members with the ability to interact with each other. They pay a monthly fee for being a member of the website. Suitable For - People who like to interact with, guide and lead a community. Skills Required - 1. In-depth knowledge of any particular domain. 2. Ability to research new things and constantly generate new and helpful content. Time Required For Creating A Membership Site - Depends on the domain expertise of the creator. Do Google search for Matthew Woodward's tutorial on how to create a membership site for free. Tips - 1. In the beginning keep the fee for joining the membership site ridiculously low. Aim to create a minimum viable product instead of creating a perfect product. You can always improve your site in later stages. 2. If you’ve never been a part of any membership site till now, consi...