7 Tips To Be Your Own Boss
A handful of perks are associated with being your own boss that all seem quite obvious. But, what remains behind the sheets is the struggle engrossed in your mind when you decide to be your own boss. From the very beginning (since our birth), we tend to remain in our shells and follow the orders given to us by different sets of people. To start with, we abide by the rules of our parents, our teachers, and finally of our own mind! Now, you need to decide who the boss is and who is controlling whom? To control our mind and to get out of what is known as the mind slavery, we need to introduce two of the most important elements of our routine lives ndash; discipline and patience. Once you dig deeper to these two attributes, you will know how to master your mind. Here are what these 7 tips to be your own boss are: 1. Stay True to Yourself🤥: They say a harsh truth is better than a comforting lie. If life offers you failure, accept it with your chin up. Nev...